You can return your items directly to our warehouse by postal service.
1. Please click here to start the return and then follow the instructions below:
2. Enter your order number and email address used to place the order
3. Choose the item(s) you wish to return and the main reason for return for each.
4. Choose the return option “Post Office Drop Off” to create your free prepaid return label.
5. Click “Confirm & Continue”
6. Click “Print Off Return Label” if you wish to print it off immediately. You can choose to do it later by clicking on “Send Return Ticket by Email”.
Please note that once you have confirmed your chosen return method, it will not be possible to change it in Step 3. If you wish to change it, the option to do this will only be available in Step 1 or Step 2, in which case please select the "modify your return" option before clicking on "Confirm and Continue".
Multiple orders must be returned separately. Please ensure your order is returned with the correct return label otherwise the refund process may be delayed.
Place the item(s) you wish to return, preferably in the original packaging, then pack and seal your parcel securely. If you no longer have the original packaging, wrap the item(s) in a sturdy package of an appropriate size to protect the contents.
Please check that each item reference matches what is written on the packaging, otherwise, this could delay the processing of your return.
1. Cut out and stick the prepaid return label, which you have just printed, on the outside of your return package. This shipping label is prepaid.
2. Your package is ready to be shipped from any Postnord ParcelShop of your choice.
1. Drop your parcel at a Postnord ParcelShop of your choice.
2. Remember to keep the tracking number of your package, you are solely responsible for your shipment until receipt in our warehouse, and without proof of delivery, a request for a refund will be denied.
· Once the return package has been received at our warehouse, it will take a maximum of 10 working days* for your return to be processed by our logistics teams.
· Upon receipt of your package in our warehouse and after confirmation of the condition of the returned item(s), we will proceed to refund the amount invoiced according to your initial payment method as soon as possible: this may take up to 3 working days* of processing time depending on the issuing bank.
*excluding weekends and French bank holidays
You will receive a confirmation email when the refund is issued.
We advise you to keep the proof of postage until it is refunded.